It's what we do. We take the complexity and confusion out of the picture and guide you in making optimal choices for your Social Security benefits and Medicare Supplemental plans. Our focus is always getting the best income and health insurance for the least cost to you in taxes and monthly premiums. We can even coach you through online filing each step of the way.
Certified by NSSA (National Social Security Association), Dan McMillan leads a team that is highly knowledgeable and skilled in filing for Social Security, and how the various options, unique life situations, and new laws can be optimized for your benefit. We are also proficient in analyzing and comparing a wide selection of Supplemental Plans to find the best fit for your health requirement and budget. You can count on Dan and his team to help you make optimal decisions on when to file and on all aspects of how and what to claim They can even guide you, one-on-one, side-by-side, through the complex and often confusing process of filing your claim online while you're in their office.
No matter what your personal, financial, marital, health and life situation, we have the experience and expertise to help you make decisions that will maximize your benefits and medical coverage for your particular circumstances. Our advisory process is to carefully access your unique scenario and analyze all the variables, options, legal considerations and tax advantages pertinent to your case and provide recommendations in your best interest.
Adelphi Financial takes a very thorough yet friendly planning approach in determining how to optimize Social Security benefits and Medicare Supplemental coverage based on your personal, financial, marital, health and life situation. We will carefully explain everything and guide you as we go, answering all your questions and helping you achieve the optimal results.
Adelphi maintains a commitment to always work in your best interests and provide objective financial advice. We have a fiduciary responsibility to you to optimize your benefits, coverage, and income and lower expenses whenever possible. As an independent agent, we have access to a wide variety of products and strategies with unhindered ability to always choose the best options to meet your unique goals.